Scientists provided the key to understanding the genetic code that determines every bodily feature. 科学家们找到了破解决定各种身体特征的遗传密码的密钥。
According to the study, up to 24% of the differences in the degree to which investors favor value or growth stocks can be explained by variations in their genetic code. 研究显示,投资者对价值股或成长股有着程度不同的偏好,而在这些差异中,可用遗传密码差异来解释的部分高达24%。
Researchers inspecting the genetic code of rats, mice and humans were surprised to find they shared many identical chunks of apparently "junk" DNA. 研究人员检查了老鼠的基因代码,令人惊讶地发现老鼠与人类共享垃圾DNA明显的主干。
Dr wang's starting point is the redundancy of the genetic code used by nucleic acids. 王博士的出发点是核酸所使用的基因代码具冗余性。
But now that researchers have sequenced rice's entire genetic code, more advanced approaches could become available. 但是如今科学家已经测出了水稻基因组的全部序列,因此可以使用更先进的方法增加产量。
A comparison of the networks formed by genetic code and the Linux operating system has given insight into the fundamental differences between biological and computational programming. 通过对遗传密码所形成网络与Linux操作系统之间的对比,我们得以洞悉生物性和计算机程序两者的根本区别。
Rather than sequence the whole genome of the plant, the team focused on parts of the genetic code called the transcriptome. 这组科学家并没有对这种植物的整个基因组测序,而是把重点放在了称为转录组的遗传编码的部分。
But our genetic code still carries the selfish and aggressive instincts that were of survival advantage in the past. 但我们仍将基因编码的自私的及好斗的本能的生存优势在过去。
When last week it was announced that scientists have deciphered most of the human genetic code, a new era began. 当上周宣布科学家已经破解了大部分的人类遗传基因密码时,一个新的时代开始了。
More than half of Iceland's population has donated DNA or detailed medical records and at the end of the past decade Iceland became the first country in the world to sell the rights to the entire population's genetic code to a biotechnology company. 冰岛有超过半数的人口捐献了DNA或详细的医疗记录。在上世纪90年代末,冰岛成为世界上第一个向生物科技公司出售全国人口基因代码使用权的国家。
Researchers at the Foundation for Applied Molecular Evolution in Florida have created an alternative genetic code with synthetic DNA that has six chemical letters instead of the four letters of natural DNA. 在佛罗里达的应用分子进化基金会(FoundationforAppliedMolecularEvolution),研究者们借助合成DNA,创造出一种另类基因代码。合成DNA有6个化学字母而不是自然DNA的4个字母。
A specific sequence of three adjacent bases on a strand of DNA or RNA that provides genetic code information for a particular amino acid. DNA或rna串上的三个相连的离子,可为特定的氨基酸提供遗传密码信息。
Some people carry a disease in their genetic code. 有些人遗传密码有毛病。
The coarseness method based on genetic code was proposed to avoid excessive coarseness. 提出了基于遗传密码的粗粒化方法,有效的避免了过分粗粒化现象。
They used new gene chip technology that allowed them to quickly screen for many of the tiny differences in the complex genetic code of DNA. 他们使用了一种新的基因芯片技术,可以从复杂的DNA基因编码中快速筛选出细微的差别。
Jeffery Taubenberger, of the US Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, and colleagues have spent eight years working out the1918 virus's genetic code. 美国军事病理研究所的杰弗里·陶本伯杰(JefferyTaubenberger)和他的同事用了8年时间找到了1918年流感病毒的遗传密码。
The variations in DNA amount to misspellings in the genetic code. 基因的变异相当于基因密码的错拼。
The gene is these genetic code combination, i.e.represents the protein the aminoacid sequence. 基因就是这些遗传密码的组合,亦即代表蛋白质的胺基酸序列。
Together, they read the genetic code and match it up to amino acids ( see diagram). 他们通读遗传密码并将其与氨基酸联系在一起(请看图)。
This piece of RNA can then direct the synthesis of proteins via the genetic code. 这一块的RNA可以直接合成的蛋白质通过遗传密码。
Having more than one codon specify the same amino acid. Used of a genetic code. 有不止一个密码子来指定同样的氨基酸.用于一种遗传基因。
There are some small errors in the genetic code on the gene which means that it is unable to produce the dystrophin protein which keeps muscles strong. 也有一些小失误,在遗传密码的基因,这意味着它无法产生抗肌营养不良蛋白的蛋白质保持肌肉强劲。
Because each species has a unique genetic code, it might be possible to rapidly identify them by analysing a short sequence of their DNA. 每个物种都会有它独特的基因代码,通过分析其DNA排序就可以对物种进行识别。
Mitochondria do not use the universal genetic code. 线粒体并不使用通用的遗传密码。
Han's team, which mapped the parasite's genetic code two years ago, is now trying to identify which proteins could be good targets for new drugs or vaccines. 韩泽广的课题组在两年前曾经对血吸虫进行了基因组测序,现在他们正在试图鉴别出那些蛋白质可以作为新药或者疫苗的靶标。
The sequence of nitrogenous Bases along a strand of DNA determines the genetic code. 去氧核糖核酸串上的氮基排序决定了遗传密码。
The drugs are designed to activate RNA interference to silence a gene with a sequence of letters of the genetic code corresponding to the sequence in the drug. 这些药物设计为可以激活RNA干扰,从而沉默具有与药物序列相符合的编码的基因。
Not only would you have to reproduce the genetic code of the donor. 你不仅要制捐赠者的基因密码。
Genetic code Sequence of nucleotides in DNA and RNA that determines the amino acid sequence of proteins. 去氧核糖核酸(DNA)和核糖核酸(RNA)中的核酸排列顺序能够决定蛋白质里的氨基酸排序。
With the jaundice chip, however, diagnosis can be simplified by surveying the genetic code for mutations in specific diseases. 然而有了黄疸芯片后,通过检测特定疾病突变的遗传密码可以很容易的作出诊断。